In the continuing battle to save the timelines, Mark Strang heads to skies of Colonial America and 18th-century Britain.
She might have said more except that at that moment the sky darkened above us; a passenger dirigible was coming in. I wondered how Chrys was reacting to all this; I knew her home civilization was spacefaring,but after some roaming around in the timelines you realize that’s a bit like knowing that a civilization uses counterpoint in music or the arch a lot in architecture—it isn&rsquyo;t the fact that they use it, but what they do with it, that really matters.




  1. Washington’s Dirigible by John Barnes (HarperPrism, May 1997).
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . written by John Barnes