After the hyperviolent killing of his family, private eye Mark Strang morphs into a self-taught military operative, fighting in a 1960s alternate, Nazi Berkeley against those-who-would-control-all-timelines.

I classify the Timeline Wars as alternate history (or timelines) more so than time travel, but within those timelines, Mark does travel to different epochs.
The current president was a Nazi; his opponent in the 1960 election had been Strom Thurmond, and the paper seemed to be in hysterics about Thurmond the “sore loser” having the termerity to criticize the government that had won the election. Their reference to him as an “ultra-liberal crazy” came very close to making me laugh out loud. . . I suppose context is everything.




  1. Patton’s Spaceship by John Barnes (HarperPrism, January 1997).
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . written by John Barnes