Early Edition
- by Bob Brush
- TV Series
- Fantasy
- Adults
- Definite Time Travel
- English
- Early Edition by Bob Brush (28 September 1996).
A calico cat brings Gary tomorrow’s newspaper every morning—and at least two episodes in the four seasons sent soft-spoken Gary back in time (to the Chicago Fire in “Hot Time in the Old Time” and to the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in “Everybody Goes to Rick’s). Go Gary!
One of the reasons this show appealed to me is the occurrence of a strong, introverted lead character, which is a rarity in all fiction.
One of the reasons this show appealed to me is the occurrence of a strong, introverted lead character, which is a rarity in all fiction.
What if, by some magic, you found the power to really change things? People, events, maybe even your life. Would you even know where to start? Maybe you can’t know. Until it happens.