Sagan’s philosophical opus centers around Dr. Ellie Arrowway, the discovery of a radio message from Vega, and the subsequent building of a machine in accordance with directions in the message. A key twist in the plot requires Ellie to briefly posit time travel as the only explanation that fits her scientific viewpoint.
You know, it’s not called a space-time continuum for nothing. If they can make tunnels through space, I suppose they can make some kind of tunnels through time.


  1. Contact by Carl Sagan (September 1985).
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . written by Carl Sagan

Derived Works

  1. Contact by James V. Hart and Michael Goldenberg, directed by Robert Zemeckis (11 July 1997).