Eight-year-old prospective scientist Jack and his imaginative little sister Annie discover a tree house full of books, the first of which magicks them into the age of reptiles with a friendly Pteranodon they call Henry, a not-so-friendly T. Rex, and a drove of other dinosaurs.
Michael Main
“Wow,” whispered Jack. “I wish we could go to the time of Pteranodons.”

Jack studied the picture of the odd-looking creature soaring through the sky.

“Ahhh!” screamed Annie.

“What?” said Jack.

“A monster!” Annie cried. She pointed out the tree house window.




  1. Dinosaurs before Dark by Mary Pope Osborne (Random House, July 1992).
  2. audio reading.
    Dinosaurs before Dark by Mary Pope Osborne, in Magic Treehouse Collection, Books 1–8 (Listening Library, October 2001).
  3. alternative title.
    Valley of the Dinosaurs by Mary Pope Osborne (Red Fox, January 2008).
  4. Динозаври преди мръкване [Dinosaurs before dusk], as by Мери Поуп Озборн (Арт Етърнал Дистрибушън, 2014).
  5. 恐龍谷大冒險 [Dinosaur valley adventure], as by 瑪麗·波·奧斯本 (小天下, 2005).
  6. Dinosauri prije mraka [Dinosaurs before dark] by Mary Pope Osborne (Izvori Zagreb, 1998).
  7. Dinosaurerne kommer! [Dinosaurs are coming] by Mary Pope Osborne (Carlsen, June 2006).
  8. Bij de dinosaurussen [With the dinosaurs] by Mary Pope Osborne (Deltas, 1999).
  9. La vallée des dinosaures [The valley of the dinosaurs] by Mary Pope Osborne (Bayard Éditions Jeunesse, August 2002) [Goodreads lists the publisher of the August 2002 edition as Distribooks, Inc., but based on some ISBN searches, we believe this is a distributor or umbrella company that includes the Bayard Éditions Jeunesse (Bayard Youth Editions). We also saw Bayard listed as the copyright holder for 2002 in a later edition.].
  10. alternative title.
    Les dinosaures [The dinosaurs] by Mary Pope Osborne (Bayard Jeunesse, October 2016).
  11. Im Tal der Dinosaurier [In the valley of the dinosaurs] by Mary Pope Osborne (Lowe Verlag, January 2004).
  12. alternative title.
    Abentuer bei den Dinosauriern [Adventure with the dinosaurs] by Mary Pope Osborne (Lowe Verlag, August 2015).
  13. audio reading.
    Im Tal der Dinosaurier [In the valley of the dinosaurs] by Mary Pope Osborne (Silberfisch, July 2018) [The audio publisher is Silberfisch, which is an audio label of Hörbuch Hamburg.].
  14. Dinoszauruszok ​földjén [Land of the dinosaurs] by Mary Pope Osborne (Animus, 2009).
  15. Dinosauri prima del buio [Dinosaurs before dark] by Mary Pope Osborne (Piemme , March 2000).
  16. 恐竜の谷の大冒険 [Dinosaur valley adventure], as by メアリー・ポープ オズボーン (角川, March 2002).
  17. 높이날아라, 프테라노돈 [Fly high, pteranodon!], as by 메리 폽 어즈번 (비룡소, June 2002).
  18. bilingual: simplified Chinese and English.
    勇闯恐龙谷 [Brave the dinosaur valley], as by 玛丽·波·奥斯本 (Penguin Books, September 2019).
  19. عصر دایناسورها [The age of dinosaurs], as by مری پوپ آزبرن (آوای اندیشه, 2014).
  20. Dinozaury przed zmrokiem [Dinosaurs before dark] by Mary Pope Osborne (Mamania, circa 2016).
  21. Dinossauros antes do Anoitecer [Dinosaurs before dusk] by Mary Pope Osborne (Farol Literario, July 2008).
  22. Dinozaurii vin spre seară [Dinosaurs come in the evening] by Mary Pope Osborne (Paralela 45, 2013).
  23. Динозавры в сумерках [Dinosaurs at dusk], as by Мэри Поу Осборнп (Карьера пресс, 2016).
  24. Диносауруси пре мрака [Dinosaurs before dark], as by Мери Поуп Озборн (Лагуна, 2005).
  25. Dinozavri pred mrakom [Dinosaurs before dark] by Mary Pope Osborne (an unknown publisher, 2002).
  26. Dinosaurios al atardecer [Dinosaurs at sunset] by Mary Pope Osborne (Atlantida Editorial S.A., March 2002).
  27. ¡Que vienen los dinosaurios! [Here come the dinosaurs!] by Mary Pope Osborne (Ediciones SM, April 2003).
  28. Dinosaurierna kommer [Dinosaurs are coming] by Mary Pope Osborne (B. Wahlströms, January 2012).


  1. Dinosaurs before Dark by Mary Pope Osborne (Random House, July 1992).
  2. audio reading.
    Dinosaurs before Dark by Mary Pope Osborne, in Magic Treehouse Collection, Books 1–8 (Listening Library, October 2001).
  3. alternative title.
    Valley of the Dinosaurs by Mary Pope Osborne (Red Fox, January 2008).
  4. Bulgarian.
    Динозаври преди мръкване [Dinosaurs before dusk], as by Мери Поуп Озборн (Арт Етърнал Дистрибушън, 2014).
  5. Chinese.
    恐龍谷大冒險 [Dinosaur valley adventure], as by 瑪麗·波·奧斯本 (小天下, 2005).
  6. Croatian.
    Dinosauri prije mraka [Dinosaurs before dark] by Mary Pope Osborne (Izvori Zagreb, 1998).
  7. Danish.
    Dinosaurerne kommer! [Dinosaurs are coming] by Mary Pope Osborne (Carlsen, June 2006).
  8. Dutch.
    Bij de dinosaurussen [With the dinosaurs] by Mary Pope Osborne (Deltas, 1999).
  9. French.
    La vallée des dinosaures [The valley of the dinosaurs] by Mary Pope Osborne (Bayard Éditions Jeunesse, August 2002) [Goodreads lists the publisher of the August 2002 edition as Distribooks, Inc., but based on some ISBN searches, we believe this is a distributor or umbrella company that includes the Bayard Éditions Jeunesse (Bayard Youth Editions). We also saw Bayard listed as the copyright holder for 2002 in a later edition.].
  10. French: alternative title.
    Les dinosaures [The dinosaurs] by Mary Pope Osborne (Bayard Jeunesse, October 2016).
  11. German.
    Im Tal der Dinosaurier [In the valley of the dinosaurs] by Mary Pope Osborne (Lowe Verlag, January 2004).
  12. German: alternative title.
    Abentuer bei den Dinosauriern [Adventure with the dinosaurs] by Mary Pope Osborne (Lowe Verlag, August 2015).
  13. German: audio reading.
    Im Tal der Dinosaurier [In the valley of the dinosaurs] by Mary Pope Osborne (Silberfisch, July 2018) [The audio publisher is Silberfisch, which is an audio label of Hörbuch Hamburg.].
  14. Hungarian.
    Dinoszauruszok ​földjén [Land of the dinosaurs] by Mary Pope Osborne (Animus, 2009).
  15. Italian.
    Dinosauri prima del buio [Dinosaurs before dark] by Mary Pope Osborne (Piemme , March 2000).
  16. Japanese.
    恐竜の谷の大冒険 [Dinosaur valley adventure], as by メアリー・ポープ オズボーン (角川, March 2002).
  17. Korean.
    높이날아라, 프테라노돈 [Fly high, pteranodon!], as by 메리 폽 어즈번 (비룡소, June 2002).
  18. multiple languages: bilingual: simplified Chinese and English.
    勇闯恐龙谷 [Brave the dinosaur valley], as by 玛丽·波·奥斯本 (Penguin Books, September 2019).
  19. Persian.
    عصر دایناسورها [The age of dinosaurs], as by مری پوپ آزبرن (آوای اندیشه, 2014).
  20. Polish.
    Dinozaury przed zmrokiem [Dinosaurs before dark] by Mary Pope Osborne (Mamania, circa 2016).
  21. Portuguese.
    Dinossauros antes do Anoitecer [Dinosaurs before dusk] by Mary Pope Osborne (Farol Literario, July 2008).
  22. Romanian.
    Dinozaurii vin spre seară [Dinosaurs come in the evening] by Mary Pope Osborne (Paralela 45, 2013).
  23. Russian.
    Динозавры в сумерках [Dinosaurs at dusk], as by Мэри Поу Осборнп (Карьера пресс, 2016).
  24. Serbian.
    Диносауруси пре мрака [Dinosaurs before dark], as by Мери Поуп Озборн (Лагуна, 2005).
  25. Slovenian.
    Dinozavri pred mrakom [Dinosaurs before dark] by Mary Pope Osborne (an unknown publisher, 2002).
  26. Spanish.
    Dinosaurios al atardecer [Dinosaurs at sunset] by Mary Pope Osborne (Atlantida Editorial S.A., March 2002).
  27. Spanish.
    ¡Que vienen los dinosaurios! [Here come the dinosaurs!] by Mary Pope Osborne (Ediciones SM, April 2003).
  28. Swedish.
    Dinosaurierna kommer [Dinosaurs are coming] by Mary Pope Osborne (B. Wahlströms, January 2012).

Derived Works

  1. Dinosaurs before Dark: The Graphic Novel, adapted by Jenny Laird, Kelly Matthews, and Nicole Matthews (June 2021).