Mad Magazine
- |pending byline|
- Comic Book
- Science Fiction
- Adults
- Definite Time Travel
- English
- “Mad Magazine,” |pending byline| (March 1973).
As a kid, there were always too many comic books to read for me to have much interest in Mad, but in later years, I enjoyed the time-travel movie spoofs (though I’m unsure whether all the spoofs actually included time travel).
For some reason which will never be satisfactorily explained, I have been transported back in time to 1960! I must remember that I’m now eighteen and not forty-three! It’s great to be young again and be back in the good old days when I had nothing to worry about except SAT’s. . . and acne. . . braces. . . and being flat chested and living with insensitive parents. . . and. . . hey, get me out of here and back to the present!
- “Mad Magazine,” |pending byline| (March 1973).