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All the Myriad Ways

by Larry Niven

Detective-Lieutenant Gene Trimble suspects that the recent spate of suicides and violent crime is somehow connected to the discovery that the many worlds interpretation of quantum physics is real and each of those worlds can be traveled to.
— Michael Main
There were timelines branching and branching, a mega-universe of universes, millions more every minute. Billions? Trillions? Trimble didn’t understand the theory, though God knows he’d tried. The universe split every time someone made a decision. Split, so that every decision every made could go both ways. Every choice ever made by every man, woman and child on Earth was reversed in the universe next door.
“All the Myriad Ways,” in Galaxy, October 1968.
2 English variants
Translations to Dutch, German
Time Periods Themes Real-World Tags
  • JFK: Passing mention: “[T]hey’ve found a world line in which Kennedy the First was assassinated.”
Fictional Tags Groupings
  • Translation—We don’t know which of the two listed translators (<a href='Walter_Ernsting'>Walter Ernsting</a> or <a href='Thomas_Schl%C3%BCck'>Thomas Schlück</a>) translated “Selbstmord en gros.”