I bought the first four of these collections in July of 1971 in Huntsville, and the rest I snapped up as they were issued in the ’70s (plus Blish’s original novel Spock Must Die!). At that point in my life, I could recite them by heart. Here’s the list of time-travel adaptations, which does not include “The Naked Time” (in Star Trek 1) since the 71 hours of time travel was omitted in the Blish version:
“Jim,” McCoy said raggedly. “You deliberately stopped me. . . Did you hear me? Do you know what you just did?”

Kirk could not reply. Spock took his arm gently. “He knows,” he said. “Soon you will know, too. And what was. . . now is again.”


  1. “Star Trek,” by James Blish, in Star Trek 2 (Bantam Books, February 1968).