When Mr. Morky runs into the carny-man, the result is a plethora of funhouse mirrors, time travel, and a possible explanation for why people nowadays are so much alike.

For many years, Vance Aandahl was an English professor at nearby Metro State College in Denver, and among his students was another favorite Colorado writer, James Van Pelt.
On the way, he met the other Mr. Morky, who was still struggling to get back, and there was a collision. He fused with himself. Unfortunately, it was an abnormal fusion, quite cancerous; all that custard pie started dividing and re-dividing and re-re-dividing into an infinite multiple division.


  1. “The Unfortunate Mr. Morky” by Vance Aandahl, Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1962.
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . written by Vance Aandahl