Mr. Rossi yearns so much to travel through time that he manages to do so with only the power of his mind, but now he’s traveling is out of control: a series of moments past to present to future, which keep repeating but never the same.
He found a secondhand copy of J.W. Dunne’s An Experiment with Time and lost sleep for a week. He copied off the charts from it, Scotch-taped them to his wall; he wrote down his startling dreams every morning as soon as he awoke. There was a time outside time, Dunne said, in which to measure time; and a time outside that, in which to measure the time that measured time, and a time outside that.. . . Why not?




  1. “Extempore” by Damon Knight, in Far Out, edited by Damon Knight (Simon and Shuster, 1961).
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . written by Damon Knight