ACG had a handful of weird story comic books including Adventures into the Unknown, Forbidden Worlds and Forbidden Worlds. I picked up a few of these at garage sales as a kid, but never really got into them. The earliest time travel that I’ve found so far was a story called “Back to Yesterday” in Adventures into the Unknown 4. Some of the issues are now available on google books.
It’s supposed to work by producing a displacement in the hyper-temporal field by means of a powerful mesotronic stasis of the continuum—and anyone near the machine’s field will immediately be projected into the future!


  1. “ACG Comics” by Benjamin W. Sangory, in Adventures into the Unknown 4, April 1949.
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . written by Benjamin W. Sangory