The Port of Missing Planes
- by Capt. S. P. Meek
- Short Story
- Science Fiction
- Adults
- Definite Time Travel
- English
- “The Port of Missing Planes” by Capt. S. P. Meek, Astounding, August 1931.
Capt. Meek’s hero, Dr. Bird (an agent of the Bureau of Standards), had at least one minor run-in with time travel in this story of underground molemen (who excavate their tunnels by time travel) who have been duped by the evil Saranoff into serving as a base for Saranoff’s attacks on the southwestern United States (as well as an attack on Dr. Bird’s brain, which is in peril of being sent back in time).
“I wish I could remember how that time machine was built and operated,” said Dr. Bird reflectively, as he sat in his private laboratory in the Bureau of Standards some time later, “but Jumor did his work well. I can’t even remember what the thing looked like.”
- “The Port of Missing Planes” by Capt. S. P. Meek, Astounding, August 1931.